Istanbulkonferansene 2018:På vegne av Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet avholdt KUN to konferanser om Istanbulkonvensjonen i 2018. Presentasjonene ligger i programmene under:
8.3.18 Preventing violence against women in the Nordic countries Norway held the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2017, and commissioned a report on the Nordic countries’ work to implement the Istanbul convention combating violence against women and domestic violence. The findings were presented in Oslo on the 8th of March 2018. The report is available as pdf. 08.00 Registration and coffee 09.00 Musical opening by Soetkin Baptist 09.10 Official opening of the conference Tom Erlend Skaug, State Secretary, The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality 09.20 Norwegian experiences in preventing and combating domestic violence Sveinung Rotevatn, State Secretary, The Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security 09.30 The Istanbul convention Dr. Marceline Naudi, First Vice-president of GREVIO, The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. 09.50 New report on the Nordic countries work to prevent gendered violence Dr. Elisabeth Stubberud, Senior Advisor at KUN Center for Gender Equality 10.20 Comments on the report findings by Dr. Marceline Naudi 10.30 Coffee break The art of prevention 10.45 Gender-blind or gender-based prevention? Margunn Bjørnholt, Research Professor, Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies 11.00 “Who am I to tell?” – Sharing stories of intimate partner violence across gender and sexuality Monika Rosten, Senior Researcher, NOVA Norwegian Social Research/NKVTS 11.15 Breaking the silence – interpersonal violence and health among Sami Astrid Eriksen, Associate Professor, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University 11.30 Five highlighted practices on prevention in the Nordic countries Servant leadership and harm indexing within the police Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir, Capital region police chief of Reykjavik, Iceland Violence screening in the health care system Åsa Witkowski, Head of Clinical Department, National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women, Uppsala University, Sweden Coordination of resources Lilja Skljarova Hansen, Domestic violence coordinator, Eastern Finnmark Police district, Norway Multi-Agency Risk Assessment (MARAC) Martta October, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland Artistic school competition targeting intimate partner violence Isabella Wedendahl, Secretary-General of Bryd Tavsheden, Denmark 12.30 Lunch Prevention through public awareness and NGO initiatives 13.30 We are the shameless girls, and our time is now! Nancy Herz, author and activist 13.45 Five highlighted practices from the Nordic countries Hvorlite? [Howlittle?] A campaign against intimate partner violence Ida Dahl Nilssen, Head of Communications, National Criminal Investigation Service, Norway Stalking Centre - knowledge, counselling and treatment of victims Lise Linn Larsen, Director of the Danish Stalking Centre, Denmark Girls’ house – Secure attachment for girls and young women Mari Uusitalo-Herttua, Director of the Girls’ house, Finland Mentors in Violence prevention Anija Johansson, Coordinator for gender based and honor related violence, Municipality of Botkyrka Raising Awareness, a three-year project in schools Halla Gunnarsdóttir, former Chair of Raising Awareness, Iceland 14.45 Coffee break A safer and more free Nordic society 15.15 Panel debate: Towards a more gender equal and safe Nordic region Moderated by Daniel Getz, Reform – Resource Center for Men Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir, Capital Region Police Chief of Reykjavik, Iceland Sherin Khankan, Imam at the Mariam Mosque, Denmark Johanna Niemi, Professor of Law, University of Turku, Finland Anija Johansson, Coordinator for gender based and honor related violence, Municipality of Botkyrka, Sweden Margunn Bjørnholt, Research Professor, Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies 15.55 Concluding remarks 16.00 End of conference 1. 11. 2018 Ett år med Istanbulkonvensjonen En (u)konvensjonell markering På ettårsdagen inviterer Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet til denne markeringen hvor myndigheter og sivilt samfunn samtaler om hvordan konvensjonen kan styrke samarbeid og sikre høy prioritet til arbeidet mot vold i nære relasjoner fremover. Program 09.00 Registrering og kaffe 10.00 Slampoesi ved Sofie Frost 10.10 Offisiell åpning ved Torkil Åmland, Statssekretær for Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet 10.20 Hva har Norge forpliktet seg til? Elisabeth Walaas, Norges ambassadør til Europarådet 10.40 GREVIO – vaktbikkje og støttespiller Rachel Eapen Paul, Norges medlem i konvensjonens kontrollorgan GREVIO 11.00 Hva konvensjonen betyr for sivilt samfunn i arbeidet og samarbeidet mot vold Lone Alice Johansen, Informasjonsansvarlig i Krisesentersekretariatet 11.20 Pause 11.40 Samiske kvinners historier – fra stillhet til sannhetskommisjon Liv Inger Somby, lektor ved Samisk Høgskole 12.10 Fem grunner til at alle bør bry seg om Istanbulkonvensjonen Adele Matheson Mestad, fungerende direktør i Norges nasjonale institusjon for menneskerettigheter (NIM) 12.30 Ny rapport om voldsforebygging i Norge og Norden – hva gjenstår? Mari Helenedatter Aarbakke, seniorrådgiver i KUN 13.00 Lunsj 14.00 En feministisk regjering under GREVIOs lupe – Svenske erfaringer med konvensjonen Johannes Evers Gester, Jämställdhetsenheten, Socialdepartementet i Sverige 14.30 Forestillingen om likestilling er en sovepute – Skyggerapport fra dansk sivilsamfunn Mathilde Worch Jensen, jurist og daværende koordinator for skyggerapporteringen 15.00 Synergier og samarbeid på tvers av Europa gjennom EØS-midlene Lene Nilsen, Seniorrådgiver, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet 15.20 Oppsummering Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet Slutt 15.30
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